Info: New entries for this event closed on Friday 9th September 2022.
Age 17 and Under* | £22.50 | |
Age 18 Plus* | £45.00 | |
* All fees relative to Event Date (18/09/2022) |
It’s a punchy start for this race, as, soon after the streets of Kinlochleven, we head up gnarly braided single and double tracks towards Loch Eilde Mór and start this clockwise route on hilly trails. (Look back at the view too – straight across Loch Leven – a classic view and a stunning memory for this route). Nearing the Loch, the route crosses the intake to follow the iconic pipe that carries water to the immense Blackwater Reservoir, however, there is an earlier point at which you take a sharp right and an equally sharp zig-zag descent, to dive into the lush woodland of the River Leven far below. Known as the Ciaran Path, this glen trail gradually descends for 2.5km until back near sea level, where it’s a short dash into the edge of Kinlochleven to reach the buzz at the finish line.
Note: With this race you will share the same route as the 18k, until a split at 4.5km, and a convergence back with the 18k route at 7.5km. Making these races even more stimulating!
Under 18s:
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